The Great 50 Days

We have celebrated Resurrection Sunday and with that we have transitioned from a 40 day season of fasting (Lent) to a 50 day season of feasting (Easter).

Now we remember that Jesus was with us on earth for 40 days prior to his ascension (Acts 1).  There was then a period of ten days before the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2).  In these days Jesus appeared to them as the Risen Lord and spoke about the Kingdom of God. The Church calls this the “Great 50 Days", in celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and in anticipation of our mission given to us on Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit is poured out on all flesh.

We invite you to join us as we observe the Great 50 Days in two ways.  

First, each day there will be shared testimony posted here on this page and through our social media platforms (@WNCCUMC) about the ways the power of the Resurrection and the Holy Spirit are showing up in our lives and in our churches and ministries.  We hope you will watch for these testimonies, share them, encourage one another, and praise God for them.

Today we are on Day 50!  Rev. Julie Wilson, executive director, shares about the Open Arms Community United Methodist Church in Winston-Salem.

And second, I invite you to read, reflect on and pray these words every day between Easter and Pentecost (The Great 50 Days). 

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, 
to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Awe came upon everyone because many wonders and signs 

were being done through the apostles. All who believed were together 

and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods 

and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. 

Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, 

they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, 

praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day 

the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.      

(Acts 2. 42-47, NRSV)

Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery
in which you have given yourself to us.

Grant that we may go into the world

in the strength of your Spirit,

to give ourselves for others,

in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

(Prayer after Receiving Holy Communion, UM Hymnal)


May the power of the Risen Jesus and the peace of the Holy Spirit fall afresh upon us, in the Great 50 Days between Easter and Pentecost. Amen.

Day 1 (Easter Sunday) - Rev. Veranita Alvord shares how Brevard First UMC is ministering to & with their neighbors

Day 2 (Easter Monday) - Rev. Nathan Arledge of Myers Park UMC shares about their ministry with Ukraine

Day 3 - Rev. Erin Grot Yow shares about the ministry of the Canton Missional Network

Day 4 - Rev. Jonathan Marlowe reflects on a recent deep south Civil Rights pilgrimage with Mt. Zion UMC, Inclusion Community, and Hunter's Chapel UMC, all in Cornelius

Day 5 - Rev. Pamela Blackstock shares the power of the Holy Spirit's movement at St. Paul's UMC during Holy Week

Day 6 - Rev. Sally Queen and members from Myers Memorial UMC in Gastonia share about their 365 day journey through the Bible

Day 7 - Rev. Dana McKim and Carol Brown share Carol's story of reconnection with the family of faith at First UMC, Morganton

Day 8 - Rev. Lory Beth Huffman shares an incredible story of resurrection hope from New Covenant UMC

Day 9 - Rev. Laura Auten shares the resurrection power of endings becoming new beginnings!

Day 10 - Rev. Lynda Ferguson, Tim Clements, Rev. Edward Ramsey, and Rev. Alexis Coleman share resurrection stories from First United Methodist and Lydia's Place, shelter for women and children, in Asheboro

Day 11 - Listen to the story of West UMC's unconventional idea of holding their Egg-Celent Easter Adventure DURING the Palm Sunday worship hour. Why did they choose to do this and what happened?

Day 12 - Northern Piedmont District Lay Leader, Kim Eller, reminds us of the significance of The Great 50 Days.

Day 13 - We have breaking news!  The Holy Spirit is at work through the missions and ministries of Cullowhee United Methodist Church! Check out this ministry update from Adam Mottershead, CUMC ministry intern, and Senior Pastor Rev. Mitch Boughman.

Day 14 - Listen to this testimony from Stokesdale UMC about the impact our Lighthouse Congregations are having in the lives of individuals who have lost their home church during to disaffiliation or closures.

Day 15 - Joseph Navarro shares why he is passionate about youth ministry and The United Methodist Church.

Day 16 - Rev. Nathan Webb, pastor of Checkpoint Online Church, and several of the church's regular attenders share about the impact of this community "designed with nerds, geeks, and gamers in mind."

Day 17 - Rev. Mark Conforti shares how First United Methodist Church in Salisbury is connecting with their community by being a regular presence in the new downtown park, which has become a hub for city activities!

Day 18 - Open Hearts Bakery, a ministry founded by St. Matthews UMC in Morganton that hires part-time employees looking to get back into the workplace or simply supplement their income.

Day 19 - ​Rev. Chris Harbin shares how the blessing box at Wingate United Methodist Church is helping them connect with their neighbors.

Day 20 - Rev. Jonathan Coppedge-Henley shares the origin story of Woodlawn Community Fellowship UMC

Day 21 - ​Ricky Poe shares how Crossfire UMC, a church for bikers, changed his life forever.

Day 22 - Listen to these testimonies from seminary students, and retiring minister Rev. Jan Brittain, as they share the impact of the Pass-the-Mantle Scholarship.

Day 23 - Rev. Dr. Mark Curtis, pastor of Pineville UMC, and Martin Dickey, executive director of the Pineville Academy School of Music, share about this unique ministry.

Day 24 - Rev. Val Rosenquist and Paige Ahmed share the stories of families whose lives have been forever changed by the refugee ministry at First United Methodist Church in Charlotte.

Day 25 - Each Tuesday, Rev. David Christy, Catawba Valley District Superintendent, shares a video of someone from the Catawba Valley District telling a little about themselves and where they have seen the work of God in their ministry area. Now, the script gets flipped as Rev. Christy finds himself in front of the camera to share some "God-sightings" across the district.

Day 26 - Rev. Abby Hedgecock, an Ordained Deacon in our Conference, shares about her deep roots as a United Methodist at her home church, First UMC in Salisbury.

Day 27 - Today, we celebrate a glimpse of beloved community and the Kingdom of God with District Superintendent, Rev. Bev Coppley.

Day 28 - Three members of the Cabinet share why we are living in a season of hope! 

Day 29 - Rev. Joy Moss and Taylor from Skyland UMC in Asheville share the ministry story of Wild Goose Cafe, a place for coffee, clay, and community.

Day 30 - Today we celebrate sunny days, lots of laughter, and the chance to share God's love through summer camp! Listen to the story of Milford Hills UMC in Salisbury, who is partnering with Winshape Camps for the second summer in a row!

Day 31 - On this 31st day of the Great 50 Days, we take a listen to Bishop Carter's message of hope during the May 6th Called Session of the Annual Conference.

Day 32- Rev. Laura Elliott shares the remarkable influence that Soaring Unlimited has made in Haiti!

Day 33 - We celebrate the ministries that are extending their reach to marginalized communities, such as Deep Time from Trinity UMC in Asheville.

Day 34. Rev. Kathy Randall Bryant shares why she has chosen to Be UMC!

Day 35 - A powerful message from Conference Lay Leader, John Crane.

Day 36 - Rev. Brian Elwell shares the power of CommonGround, 93 acres of land owned by First UMC, Stanley

Day 37 - United Methodists are combating food insecurity for college students at Greensboro College and the Spartan Open Pantry at UNC Greensboro

Day 38 - Rev. Rick Schilling, pastor of Spruce Pine UMC, shares how the Reynolds Program in Church Leadership, offered by the United Methodist Foundation of Western North Carolina, has impacted his ministry, leadership, and discipleship

Day 39 - Check out these Fresh Expressions happening at New Hope UMC in Winston-Salem!

Day 40 - The Northern Piedmont District of The United Methodist Church is working to create the Beloved Community.

Day 41 - Sparta United Methodist Church is using technology and a warm meal to reach their neighbors with the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Day 42 - Through teamwork, sharing, and passion, God is doing great things in the Smoky Mountain District!

Day 43 - In western Rockingham County, Fresh Expressions are getting more youthful!

Day 44 - Rev. Ted Henry talks with Lees-McRae student, McKenna, about why she chose to be baptized.

Day 45 - Light of Christ United Methodist Church is choosing to #BeUMC!

Day 46 - Learn how Cruso UMC cared for their community following the devastation of Tropical Storm Fred

Day 47 - The Vine is taking ministry outside the walls of the church building!

Day 48 - Learn how Williamson's Chapel UMC impacted the lives of the entire 2023 senior class at Mooresville High School!

Day 49  - Celebrating 16 young people dedicating their lives to Christ at Weaverville United Methodist Church!

Day 50!  Rev. Julie Wilson, executive director, shares about the Open Arms Community United Methodist Church in Winston-Salem.

Check back each day at noon for the next video!

