Kim Ingram

Department Ministerial Services
Title Director of Ministerial Services/Conference Secretary

The office of the Conference Secretary and Ordained Ministry Registrar is an administrative agency of the conference located in the conference Memorial Center in Charlotte. Some of the functions carried out by Kim and her assistant, Marsha Bradley, include:

  • Assisting the bishop and other conference leaders in conducting annual conference sessions. 
  • Keeping the official record of all annual conference business sessions. 
  • Editing the annual conference Journal and the Program and Reports pre-conference booklet. 
  • Maintaining records of conference Committee on Nominations, Committee on the Annual Conference Meeting, and Conference Board of Trustees. 
  • Maintaining official personnel records on all ordained ministers, local pastors, and diaconal ministers. 
  • Resourcing and guiding candidates for ordained ministry in the process that leads to ordination. 
  • Providing support for the work of the Board of Ordained Ministry.

Kimberly Ingram was elected conference secretary at the 2008 Annual Conference. Her predecessors were: Denny White 1983-2008, Edgar H. Nease, Sr., 1939-52; Charles D. White, Sr. (Denny’s father), 1952-68; W. T. Medlin, Jr., 1968-74; and R. Paschal Waugh, 1974-83. In the North Carolina-Virginia Conference of The Methodist Church, John G. Corry served as secretary of the 1964 session, and Avery E. Robinson was secretary from 1964 to the merger of conferences in 1968. In 1987, the conference for the first time made the conference secretary a full-time member of the administrative staff of the conference. 

In 1992, the role of registrar of the Board of Ordained Ministry was added to the job responsibility of the secretary, and the secretary was made secretary of the Conference Board of Trustees, Inc., in 2003. At the 2004 conference session, the secretary was also elected as conference statistician for the 2004-08 quadrennium. As secretary, statistician, and Board of Ordained Ministry registrar, Denny was elected at the 2004 conference to serve until 2008, when he retired, having served for 25 years as conference secretary
