Preferred Provider Scholarship Opportunities

The Western North Carolina Conference Leadership Development Team encourages the growth and development of clergy and lay ministry professionals.  They have identified a list of providers that are offering formational experiences to meet currently identified leadership needs. Once you have registered for the workshop, webinar, or offering and made full payment, you can be reimbursed for approximately 2/3 of the cost. You will submit your registration confirmation or receipt for reimbursement.
You know what you need and when you need it.  The Leadership Development Team hopes that you’ll find something below that meets those needs:

The Hearth Community Events 

The Hearth believes that sharing stories can be a radical and deeply human practice for strengthening common values, combating loneliness, and inspiring compassionate actions. Join one of the online gatherings, attend a retreat, or go to one of the live storytelling events in Ashland, Oregon.


Fresh Expressions

Equipping Christians for Ministry in Their Neighborhoods and Among Various Groups in the Community.

Fresh Expressions | All Events

​Lombard Mennonite Peace Center

Helping Churches and Leaders Discover How Conflict Can be an Opportunity for Spiritual Growth and Reconciliation.

LMPC | All Events

Simon Sinek Online Courses

Simon Sinek wrote “Start with Why” and “Leaders Eat Last.”  Now he offers online courses to advance a vision of the world in which each person feels inspired, safe, and fulfilled.

Courses include: 

  • Infinite Mindset, Clear Communication, Start with Why, Leaders Eat Last, Beat Burnout, and more.

The Art of Preaching

Create, Write, and Deliver Better Sermons (Even If You’ve Been Preaching for Years).

The Art of Leadership Academy With Carey Nieuwhof

Get coaching, courses, and community that you need to get your church growing and healthy.

  • You pay $132 / We pay $265

Stepping Up to Supervision from the Faith + Lead at Luther Seminary

Gain the skills you need to supervise, delegate, and empower the people you work with.

  • You pay $65, we’ll pay $130

Seminary Now Annual Subscription

In this video curriculum, Tod Bolsinger teaches you how to thrive as an effective leader in a rapidly changing world.

  • You pay $60, we’ll pay $120

Florida Southern College: Church Management Webinars

These three webinars will address 1) Managing Change and Conflict in the Church, 2) Human Resources and Organizational Leadership and Development in the Church, and 3) Marketing in the Church.

Adaptive Leadership Workshops

These are short, focused, and skill-based and are meant for leaders who want to sharpen their skills in a particular area of adaptive change.

The expectation is that you will share your learning within your church or ministry context.

Request a Reimbursement Scholarship

Made possible by the generous giving of WNC churches through their apportionment dollars. 
