Innovation - Resources



Tell us you're out there! We are building a database of WNCC Innovators to help to foster community among those who are re-thinking what ministry could look like. Tell us about yourself and the ministry you're running.   
Resourcing Ministries that support and expand the work of innovation throughout WNC.

This isn’t an exhaustive list—but we’ll keep updating it over time.


Fresh Expressions —A fresh expression is a new form of church for those not connected to any church. They take shape outside of the walls of the church in places where our neighbors are already gathering. Fresh expressions in the WNC Conference are making new disciples and are passing on the traditions of our Wesleyan faith in new and creative ways. Fresh expressions are anchored to existing churches, connecting churches with people who would never enter the church building on a Sunday morning. They do not exist to get folks to come to our church, but rather to form church with folks in places where they are.

Most Wednesdays at 2pm a group of fresh expressions practitioners join up for a conversation on the clubhouse app. We cover a variety of topics around leading fresh expressions. Email Luke Edwards at for an invite.



Innovators’ Table — As the myriad innovation ministries of the WNC continue to re-imagine how to reach people with the grace, love, and justice of the Living God, the Table is a collaborative community where leaders from several key initiatives can connect the conference’s far-reaching innovation efforts. Contact Caroline Wood for information on what the Innovators' Table is doing to imagine new forms of ministry in the WNCC.




SALT (Spiritual Academy for Leading Transformation) —To help congregations toward building a core of spiritually mature laypeople, SALT is an eight-month training program that prepares laypeople to join together with clergy and other laity to lead effective change.





Academy for Missional Wisdom —This is a two-year training program that helps to lay the groundwork for new missional communities by raising up and equipping new leaders for that purpose.






Justice and Reconciliation—This body promotes excellence and fruitfulness in congregational life and ecclesial structures that reflect full diversity, works of justice, and participation by all people in the WNC. See the website link for more information on the groups, boards, and agencies that relate to this work, and for contact information.





Transformation Journey —A three-year process by which local churches develop their vision, values, purpose, and processes to align with God’s call for the congregation. Information and contact information are available at the link.





The Curiosity Society helps others identify their social impact and the best way to do it. The Curiosity Society works with charities, social groups, foundations and social investors. 





 M-LAB, or "Movement - Learning Action Aboard", helps to inspire and help others and make ideas into action. They work mainly with laity and clergy in an effort to collaborate with many.





Ministry Incubators works with local Christian social entrepreneurs in order to both create other's ideas and give back to their local communities.


