Submission of Written and Digital Video Material to the BOM

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1)All assignments should be submitted by email to your Discernment Team Chairs in a Word or PDF File.  You will receive your Discernment Team Chair’s name and email by mid-September.  

2)You will need a YouTube Account to upload your video and include the video link in your assignment submission email to your Discernment Team Chair.

Videos for Board of Ordained Ministry

Basic Procedures:

For Associate Membership: A Sermon and Worship Service, Bible Study, and any other Digital Images necessary. 

For Provisional Elder:  A Sermon and Worship Service

For Provisional Deacon: Any Digital Images necessary for the Proclamation assignment

For Full Connection Deacon: Any Digital Images necessary for the Proclamation Requirements, the Bible Study and any other supplemental materials if needed.

For Full Connection Elder:  A Sermon and Worship Service, Bible Study, and any other supplemental materials if needed.


Recommendations for both in-person and online are provided below.

In Person:



Instructions are the same for both in person and online.

The BOM only wants to see a complete program, from the beginning of the service to the end. Follow the instructions in regards to the files that you post. That may mean you trim off the first few minutes or end where people are arriving or leaving.

If you need to edit your film, and you used your smart device to record, you can also use your device to edit it. You may also wish to transfer it to your laptop for editing. If you recorded using Zoom, it will save it to your downloads folder.

Recommended Apps (all free):

  • iOS: iMovie
  • Android: Google Photos
  • MacOS: iMovie
  • Windows: Windows Movie Maker

After your video is edited to the correct length, then you are ready to upload the video.

Uploading Video: 

Instructions are the same for both in person and online. 

We use YouTube to manage your uploaded videos. YouTube allows you to upload unlimited videos of any size and allows you to make it Unlisted. This allows only people who can see it are those who you share the link with.

If you do not have an account already, you will need to open a YouTube account ( (if you already have a Gmail account, Google shares Account information between its products, so the same login for your Gmail will work for YouTube). YouTube accounts are free and have no limitations on space and video size. 

IMPORTANT: Because you will be uploading a video over 15 minutes, you will need to verify your account if you are creating one (they send an email and you click a link). Please see for help

If using your smart device, iOS and Android provide ways to share to YouTube directly from the app you used to edit the video. Essentially, you can do this entire process from your phone.

If you are on your computer, you will want to go to to upload your video.

Depending on the length of your video and your internet speed, this could take a while. 

*Important*: Please make sure to make the video Unlisted. This ensures that it is not available for search and can only be viewed by people with a link. DO NOT use Private.

For more instructions and videos, please see:

Once the upload is complete, the video will take some time to process. Please allow up to 24 hours, depending on the size and length of the video. It is not recommended to do this the night before it is due. 

When completed, YouTube will provide you with a link. Share the link to this video in your information to the BOM in your email submitted documents. Please include them on each of the cover sheets. Also, please make sure that the Visibility is “Unlisted.”


After you have completed these steps, be sure to test the video several times.

Can you see the video? Is the sound quality good? Can you email the YouTube link to a friend, and can they open it? Is the video complete?

If you followed the directions above, you should be ready to go. 

Please email any technical questions regarding your video to IT Services at  Questions regarding the assignments should be directed to your discernment chair, and any other questions can be directed to Emma Sherrill at  
