One Matters Awards


Annual conferences are being encouraged to renew their focus on discipleship, especially at congregations in the United Methodist connection where annual baptisms and professions of faith too often are nonexistent, by honoring churches with the new One Matters Discipleship Award.

Discipleship Ministries of The United Methodist Church is urging each conference to use the award to recognize one church that is turning zeros into positive numbers with a renewed focus on discipleship.

WNCC nominates a church and shares that church’s story of how they are turning things around, making disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world, at Annual Conference.

The award, which includes $1,000 and a One Matters Discipleship Award plaque, will be presented to the pastor and lay leaders of a congregation which has done significant work to make its zeros from previous years become positive numbers, at Annual Conference. The monetary award is designed to encourage continued growth in the area of discipleship.

In 2018 the WNCC added to the $1,000 offered by Discipleship Ministries, $1,000 to purchase one more One Matters plaque and presented an award to each church to lift up the importance of making disciples across the conference.

Award Recipients:
2019 -  St. Paul UMC, Kernersville, NC - Rev. Oscar C. Pilson
2018 - Arneys Fairview UMC, Morganton, NC - Rev. Ed Stephenson
2018 - Collins Grove UMC, Greensboro, NC - Rev. Rick Yourse
2017: Bethlehem UMC, Reidsville, NC -  Rev. Joel Locklear


