Steps Toward Greater Vitality in Western North Carolina

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; don’t rely on your own intelligence. Know him in all your paths, and he will keep your ways straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 CEB

Each annual conference in the connection has their own Pathway to Vitality. The essential steps toward vitality in the Western North Carolina Annual Conference include the following:

If you are a clergy or lay leader interested in helping your church become more vital

1) Share your desire for greater vitality with your District Superintendent. Ask for their prayer support and guidance as you investigate next steps.

2) Gather a small group from your church, including the pastor, to:

3) Contact your District Superintendent or CVS to learn about what guidance and/or financial help is available. Your district office can direct you to that person.

4) Depending upon your initiative you may want to ask your district’s Church Vitality Strategist to create a detailed demographic study of your ministry area and have them meet with appropriate leadership for review.

5) Visit and make arrangements for your church to take the Readiness360 Survey. This unique tool is designed to help churches assess their readiness to grow or strengthen their ministry.

6) Schedule a visit with your District Superintendent and/or Church Vitality Strategist or member to review what you have learned from the results of your reading, Church Vitality Planning Guide, demographic research and the Readiness360 Survey.

7) If after these initial conversations and assessments your church decides to move toward greater vitality you will want to meet with your District Superintendent and Church Vitality Strategist to consider process or program options that may be most helpful for your congregation.

8) Your district may be able to provide small financial grants to assist you in your work toward vitality (e.g. coaching, training events, resources, etc.,). You should begin seeking funding support at the district level.

9) If you are seeking financial support that exceeds what is possible through your district you may pass on your request for support to the Conference Vitality Team.
