Plowpoint Ministries

June 5, 2013

The Ministry of Plowpoint began in January 2003 to strengthen the ministries of congregations and their leaders. Plowpoint is incorporated in the state of North Carolina and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity. The mission of Plowpoint is to break ground for the seed of the Gospel through ministries that transform churches and church leaders. God’s vision for Plowpoint is transforming leaders • transforming churches • transforming the world through the power and promise of God’s Word.

Plowpoint works with pastors and congregations to gain clarity in their calling to do the God-things God has uniquely called them to accomplish. Without healthy, intact, and enforced boundaries, a body cannot survive much less thrive. Therefore, Plowpoint works with the Body of Christ to reclaim godly boundaries to protect the integrity and function of our life and ministry together.
Phone Number: 336-226-0282
Categories: Leadership Development