WNCC Innovators' Information Survey

June 2, 2021

By: Rev. Amy Lambert

Are you an innovator in our conference? Do you know someone who is?
We would love to hear from you! The WNCC Innovators Table is putting together a database and hover map for our conference. These resources will be helpful regardless of what stage of ministry you are in. For those just starting out, it paints a picture of how creative, wonderful, and connected we can be. For those who have been in ministry for years, it provides you with an abundance of resources on what you in your ministry setting can do differently to be more creative and reach out to those in your communities.
Regardless of if you serve a multi-point charge or a big city church, there is something for everyone. In order to make this map all it can be, we need your help to point us in the direction of WNCC Innovators.
We want to know who is doing church differently and how they are doing it. Please visit the link below to tell us about what you're doing to think of church differently:

WNCC Innovators' Information Survey

Categories: Innovation Innovation - News