Second Round of the BOTH/AND Hybrid Worship Cohort Grant Now Open!

November 30, 2021

The Church Development Office and hybrid worship expert, Jason Moore, in partnership with the WNCC Foundation and the Reynolds Ministry Fund, are excited to offer the second round of the BOTH/AND Hybrid Worship Cohort Grant.

Your community is eagerly waiting to experience God during your worship service and you have the tools to foster this encounter BOTH in-person AND online!

This cohort is intended to support churches as they explore and implement best practices for faithfully developing and deploying BOTH in-person AND online worship experiences that foster worship & ministry PARTICIPANTS - not merely viewers. The foundational core of this grant is building relationships through hybrid ministries.

Each grant cycle is limited by our capacity to service the participating churches. Therefore, grants are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. For the second cycle, we will receive applications from December 1, 2021 through January 14, 2022, or until we receive 30 applicant churches (whichever comes first.) We will continue to offer additional grant cycles in the future, for as long as allocated funds remain.

**Click here for a comprehensive and detailed explanation of the cohort and grant process.**

Categories: Clergy Clergy Connection Connect and Fellowship Covid Innovation Innovation - Feature Innovation and Change Laity Older Adult Ministry Remote Worship Ideas and Resources Resources for Worship Ways To Engage Your Congregation