Fresh Expressions PRE-CONFERENCE @ Exponential 2022 in Orlando!

December 8, 2021


Fresh Expressions PRE-CONFERENCE @ Exponential 2022 in Orlando!

Join us at a Pre-Conference Workshop entitled: "Fresh Expressions: Multiplication, Multi-site, and Missional Vitality for Everyday Christians" on Monday, March 7, 2022 , 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. and Tuesday, March 8, 2022, 8:00 - 11:30 a.m. This pre-conference workshop will include the following:

  • The realities of the last two years have thrust the church into a new era.  The challenge before us is not only to rebuild but to build anew.  For the foreseeable future we need a way of being church that is flexible in form, timely in context, rooted in depth, and scalable in resource.  This is the call for a new kind of local church.  

  • For nearly two decades the fresh expressions movement has been helping existing churches and institutions find new forms of life that put the church Jesus loves closer to where the people Jesus loves are.  We believe that every church can be missionally vital, every church can be multi-site, and every church can multiply by living into a new mental model for what it means to be a local congregation.  During this pre-conference you will learn about the vision, model, and tools that normal, everyday churches are using to become a movement that reaches new people.    

Fresh Expressions WORKSHOP during Exponential 2022!

Rev. Dr. Michael Moynagh and Rev. Dr. Michael Beck will be offering a workshop during Exponential entited: “Democratizing Church Planting: Spirit Empowered Multiplication for the Whole People of God.” This workshop will include the following:

  • Part 1 “Inaccessible Church” The first session will examine the shifts contributing to decline and explain an “ecclesiology of gift” and the need for the “democratization of church planting.”
  • Part 2 “The Discipleship Journey” Evangelism, discipleship, and church planting are not programs, departments, or the expertise of specialists. They are a singular move of the Spirit that flows through the life of every Jesus follower. When we do this in community with others, we are the fullness of the “priesthood of all believers.”
  • Part 3 “Church Planting for Everyone” This session is the “how” to do Spirit empowered multiplication from the local church setting. Tools, processes, and handouts will be provided.

LUNCH with UMC Planters and Disciple Makers on March 9, 2022

Be the guest of Path1 from Discipleship Ministries for a UMC networking lunch on Wednesday, March 9 @ noon. Meet other church planters and teams from throughout the UMC. Be sure to register because lunch space at Exponential is limited to the first 100 people and we want to make room for you.


  • Ticket to Pre-Conference Workshop - Fresh Expressions ($59)
  • Ticket to Exponential 2022 ($99)
  • Lunch with Path1 from Discipleship Ministries (FREE) Limited to 80 participants. 


Exponential 2022: Empowered Theme - MOVING WITH THE SPIRIT (March 7-10, 2022)

The single command that Jesus gave his followers before igniting a movement was “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised…” He was telling them to wait for and then move with the Spirit. In 2022, we’ll discover a growing awareness of the Spirit’s work and leadership while also realizing that we will always be more effective if we move with the Holy Spirit.

Join thousands of leaders for inspiration, encouragement and equipping at Exponential 2022 in Orlando, FL. The conference features over 200 speakers, 150 workshops, 20 pre-conference intensives, and 75+ networks and denominations.

The Conference will be held at First Baptist Orlando, 3000 S John Young Pkwy, Orlando, FL 32805.


Rev. Dr. Michael Beck is a minister, professor, and author. He came to faith as a street-kid, redeemed by Jesus from a life of incarceration and addiction. He serves two traditional United Methodist congregations in North Central FL in which his laity have cultivated a network of new Christian communities throughout the area. Michael also serves as the Cultivator of Fresh Expressions Florida, Director of the Fresh Expressions House of Studies at United Seminary, and Director of ReMissioning for Fresh Expressions US. He is the author of six books on Fresh Expressions. Michael helps church leaders across the globe follow Jesus in new and exciting ways.

Bishop Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. is serving in his tenth year as resident bishop of The Florida Conference of The United Methodist Church. Along with the Cabinet, he gives pastoral and administrative leadership to over 800 congregations, fresh expressions of church, campus ministries and outreach initiatives in an episcopal area that stretches from Tallahassee and Jacksonville to Miami and the Keys. Bishop Carter served as the president of the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church from 2018-2020, and he was one of three moderators of The Commission on a Way Forward, from 2016 to 2018. In addition to his responsibilities with The Florida Conference, he serves as the bishop the Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church and as bishop-in-residence and a consulting faculty member at Duke University Divinity School.

 Lead Presenters, Verlon & Melodee Fosner have been in church leadership for more than 35 years, 20 of those years were in a 93-year-old church in Seattle, Washington. In 2004, their long effective church began to decline, and they were faced with the decision: move to the suburbs or become an urban church. They felt called to not only stay, but to dive further into the urban neighborhoods of Seattle – especially the ones with a sparse church presence. After numerous failures, they decided to try the Agape’ Feast church model talked about in the New Testament and to their great surprise they found an immediate intrigue among the unchurched living in Seattle neighborhoods. Within a year, they counted hundreds of their neighbors as friends, gathering around their tables, and talking about Jesus. What began as an urban Dinner Church spread into a multi-site Dinner Church, and then expanded into a national Dinner Church Network. In 2014, Verlon received the Doctor of Ministry from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary for his research on “The Dinner Church of the Apostolic Era”, and has written three books on the subject – all of which are available on this website. In 2016, Verlon and Melodee joined the Fresh Expressions US team to lead the Dinner Church Collective.

Rev. Dr. Stephanie Moore Hand is truly a woman of spiritual fortitude. Her career is indicative of hard work, dedication and discipline. Aspiring to progress in places where God is moving, she works in line with the power of the Holy Spirit. Through her service, she hopes God will transform our lives and communities will thrive.

Before being called into ministry, Rev. Dr. Hand was an executive for a Fortune 500 company. During her time in the corporate arena, Rev. Dr. Hand was one of the youngest African American executives in America running airports. She earned a doctorate from Wesley Theological Seminary, with a concentration in transformational leadership, organizational change and Multi Cultural Multi Ethnic America.   

She is a Strategist for the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church-Metro 126 churches, over 236 clergy and 70,000 members. She has launched innovative ministries, developed new faith communities, and has managed a 76 million dollar budget with 100 managers and over five hundred employees. She is the 2021 recipient of the Harry Denman Award, the highest award in the global United Methodist Church.

Rev. Dr. Michael Moynagh is a minister in the Church of England and is based at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. In the early 1990s, he led a church that was one of the first in the United Kingdom to start an intentional teenagers’ congregation. He has been involved in new types of Christian community for over 20 years, learning from the “pioneers” involved, and writing extensively about them. He is sometimes known as “the theologian of fresh expressions of church,” and has an international consulting and teaching ministry.


Isaac and Jaime Olivarez founded the non-profit Urban Outreach Denver in 2012 and planted a Thursday night dinner church called Community Dinners, a church for Denver’s homeless and marginalized in 2013. UO Denver is located in Five Points, an inner city Denver neighborhood historically known for crime, drugs and poverty, but that is currently experiencing a resurgence of economic growth. Isaac and Jaime also launched a Monday night kids dinner church called Little Rascals, and host a summer kids camp, short-term missions teams, back-to-school outreaches, as well as Thanksgiving and Christmas outreaches. Isaac and Jaime have been married 17 years and have three kids: Isabella (13), Abraham (9) and Nasya (6).

Discipleship Ministries - Discipleship Ministries—based in Nashville, Tennessee—connects leaders with needed resourcing, training, consulting, and networking that support spiritual formation, new church development, revitalization of local churches, and materials for use in Central Conferences. The agency has embarked upon an integrated, strategic direction that serves the church with continuity, based upon basic values and mission.

Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church - Equipping leaders to make disciples of Jesus for the transformation of communities across Florida and beyond.

Fresh Expressions Florida - Catalyzing fresh expressions of church in Florida with new people, in new places and by new ways. Over the last seven years, Fresh Expressions has flourished across the conference and can be found in every district. We praise God for this work of the Spirit in our conference drawing more people into transforming relationship with Jesus!

Fresh Expressions US - We equip Christians to start contextual expressions of church among the many segments, neighborhoods, and people groups of society.

United Theological Seminary: Houses of Study - Houses of Study at United equip students for service in the communities, movements and denominations where they serve.

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