Laity Celebration in the Metro District

November 22, 2021

By: Jatana Royster, Metro District Coordinator of Lay Ministries

Laity and clergy from across the Metro District gathered Sunday, November 21st, to celebrate the ministry of the laity. This year's Laity Celebration: Recognition of Laity Service Award Recipients was held at University City UMC in Charlotte. The praise band from Hickory Grove UMC led worship. Over 90 people were in attendance at the church and over 90 people watched via livestream. The livestream option enabled recipients, pastors, and church families to watch from anywhere, even if they were out of town. Friends and family who would not have been able to attend in-person were able to share the day virtually. This year the district recognized 79 recipients of the Laity Service Award. 

They say a picture is worth a thousand this video and join us as we celebrate and praise God for the mighty work he is doing among the laity of the Metro District for the sake of the Kingdom of God, on earth as it is in heaven! 


Categories: Connect and Fellowship Laity Laity – Feature Laity – News & Resources